Monday, February 23, 2009

Rumors of Kimchi

So we're thinking that we really need to trek into the world of
Korean cuisine.
Its sad to say but we've probably only had it.... once.

Don't get me wrong! We absolutely loooove Asian food!
Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese...
Sushi is a favorite, especially the super-yummy stuff in San
Francisco's China town. Seriously, Floating Sushi Boat
restaurant in SF is a must!

So anyway, we are trying to become more acquainted with
Korean food.
2.13 - Tofu House by gigapod

Unfortunately, Nashville isn't exactly the BEST place for food diversity.
In other words, not everything needs to be topped
with gravy! I'm just saying...

But it does look like there are a few restaurants to enjoy..
hopefully! 5 actually.
Who would have thought? And in Nashville!
The plan is to do Seoul Garden on Edmondson Pike this week.
Maybe it will be a life changing experience??
Of course, we'll post our review. There's never a shortage of
opinions in this house.

We're thinking that we should probably try our hand at
cooking Korean, as well.
Any advice on great cookbooks to try?
Since we enjoy being in the kitchen so much, seems like we
should at least give it a shot.
Although, I have heard horror stories of the smell that blossoms
from a jar of kimchi..
"Like a strong briny pickle, kimchi is an assault in the taste
senses of the uninitiated eater, and is meant to accompany
blander foods.
It is traditionally prepared with Chinese cabbage, red pepper,
garlic, salted fish, ginger and other natural ingredients.
Then, it is stored underground for at least 4 weeks."
So, its very, very, very ripe!
Kimchi is also credited with being a possible cancer fighter..
Not too shabby.

Guess we'll have to just hold our breath and go for it!
Fun with fermentation by kern.justin

Won't it be so cool (someday soon :) to prepare a nice meal for
our little family... perhaps the traditional Korean meal of white
rice, bulgogi, kimchi, chop chae, and melon popsicles??
Ooooo... very diverse indeed.
And the following night, we'll revisit the South...
with something chicken-fried and smothered in gravy..

Its all about balance, baby! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Summer and Stuart,

It's I finally had a chance to check out your blog...I feel like I've already learned so much about the Korean culture...I love it!!! But what I really wanted to say is...This picture is the CUTEST thing EVER!!!! :D