Wednesday, May 26, 2010

lots and lots and lots...

Lots of stuff going on right now.. Sorry for such a brief blog today but I'll do a longer post in the next couple days.
Parents visited this weekend.. helped immensely with house and yard stuff! Had a great visit, lots of fun and laughs and great meals :)
Had a car accident on Sunday.. no one hurt, thank God.. a car forced me into another lane, hitting another car.. it was a stupid thing but it could have been a lot worse.. still waiting to hear from insurance.

Annnnnd today (in 2 hours actually) is our first homestudy appointment!! We meet with our social worker at the agency office for a couples meeting. Then we schedule for individual meetings, lastly will be our meeting at our house. Soooo excited! Not much time to type.. gotta go get ready! But wanted to jot this down!! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers this morning! Thanks!!! :)
Summer and Stu